Every software has a range of terms and abbreviations it uses to describe its work. You may find our terminology across articles from this knowledge base and talking to our support agents. Let's try to bring under one place all the words the InvestingPro team uses to describe the product. We hope it helps to understand the product better.
Company overview
You can use the Company Overview pages to get a snapshot of the latest stock price, financials, benchmarks, InvestingPro fair value estimates, financial models, and more! Here is an example of Apple's company overview page: NASDAQGS:AAPL
Fair value estimate
A company's fair value is its underlying intrinsic worth. And according to Benjamin Graham, who’s considered the father of value investing, the margin of safety represents the difference between a stock price and its fair value.
Financial model
A financial model is a representation of a real-world financial situation. This is a mathematical model designed to represent (a simplified version of) the performance of a financial asset or portfolio of a business, project, or any other investment. You can find a lot of templates for financial model on InvestingPro: Templates
Data explorer
InvestingPro Data Explorer allows you to find nearly any financial metric for any publicly traded company in the world. You can find the Data Explorer.
Stock screener
With the InvestingPro stock screener, you can filter stocks based on the metrics and criteria you define. You can get started with the InvestingPro stock screener.
You can use the Ideas tool to find stocks grouped by themes and get a sneak peek at current portfolios of famous investors and large funds. You can get started with the InvestingPro ideas.
You can use the Watchlists to create lists, customize views with your favorite metrics, and get instant insights. You can get started with the InvestingPro watchlists.
Period types
Fiscal Year (FY): A fiscal year is a one-year period that companies and governments use for financial reporting and budgeting. A fiscal year is most commonly used for accounting purposes to prepare financial statements. Although a fiscal year can start on January 1st and end on December 31st, not all fiscal years correspond with the calendar year.
Fiscal Quarter (FQ): A fiscal quarter is a three-month period that companies and governments use for financial reporting and budgeting.
Last twelve months (LTM): LTM refers to the timeframe of the immediately preceding 12 months. It is also commonly designated as trailing twelve months (TTM). LTM is often used in reference to a financial metric used to evaluate a company's performance, such as revenue
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