These are some of our most heavily used features:
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Data Explorer - Pick from over 1,000 metrics to review for any company. We include definitions and example calculations for the most used metrics.
Fair value estimates - A stock's fair value is its real or underlying intrinsic worth. InvestingPro has developed advanced financial modeling technology that can build millions of valuation models a day, such as discounted cash flow models, comparable company analyses, and dividend discount models to estimate fair value. InvestingPro makes all underlying models and assumptions available for you to review, so review the methodology or want to tweak model assumptions.
Charts - InvestingPro's charting engines allow you to visualize time-series and fundamentals data for multiple companies quickly. You can plot thousands of performance metrics and valuation ratios to understand the reasoning behind a stock's performance.
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Also, here is the video tutorial that you can find helpful.
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